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Today we slip our feet into these hot Jimmy Choo Fuchsia 5-inch Tippi-Snake effect Stilettos because they are the shoes that I want to wear the day that I hit my goal weight…

As I drive to work everyday, I pass this road that I always find myself intrigued with. It’s a long road that is lined with the most colorful trees filled with bright fall leaves: burnt orange, golden yellow, vibrant red and the last few specks of emerald green. Every day I pass this street, I feel compelled to one day drive down this road & feed my curiosity. Yesterday, I got to thinking about mysterious roads and how they related to real life. I ask myself, why haven’t I driven down this road before? What is stopping me from being adventurous? One answer came to my mind…FEAR. It’s the Plato’s Allegory mentality, where the slaves in the cave are afraid of the sunlight because they’ve never seen it before. We are slaves to the unknown. We are afraid of where that unfamiliar road will take us if we venture down it. Sometimes our curiosity isn’t enough to force us to take that chance and follow the unknown. I myself tend to stick to the roads that I know and never detour. I have played it safe in life for the past twenty-eight years. Never got a detention in school, never got a speeding ticket. I have always driven along the roads that made sense to me and were comfortable. It’s easy to be complacent in life.

That same mentality applied to my weight. It was easy to eat the foods that every one else ate. It was easy to not exercise and to just sleep in. It was easy to give up the never-ending battle of weight loss and just eat. That was the safe road that I took for a very long time. It was until April 11th 2012 that I decided to take an alternative route. I didn’t sign up for some quick and easy weight-loss program where you lose 20 pounds in two weeks. I signed up for an alternative lifestyle. I chose to turn off of the smooth concrete road I was taking and I chose to travel down a very bumpy road that has lots of twists and turns, steep inclines and even steeper ledges. A road that I could easily fall down on or lose my way, but a road worth the sacrifice of comfort. A road that I know will lead me to the right path.

I think the most common question that I get asked pretty much five times a week, “What is your goal weight?” I smile every time someone asks me this question and I tell them I’m not exactly sure because I am taking this journey one step at a time. But this million dollar question has lurked around my mind for many years now and I’ll tell you why. I have never been at an ideal weight. Every since I was a little girl, I have always been “fluffy.” I grew up envious of all of my friends because they were skinny. They got to wear cute fashionable clothes and jeans. Back in the day, they didn’t have trendy clothes for plus-sized girls or teenagers because it wasn’t as common as it is now. So I wore the most unfashionable clothing you could imagine. Stretch pants, maternity clothes (because I could actually find some cute clothes in that department), and hideous shirts. Yes, I was the girl that Stacey London off of “What Not To Wear” would have yelled at for my choice in fashion – if you could call it that. And yet somehow I found myself attending the Art Institute of Seattle for Fashion Marketing, go figure!

Thankfully today, even though I am still considered a plus-size girl, I am still fashionable! And as of yesterday I have decided on my definitive goal weight. I am not ready to announce it yet as I still have a ways to go on this journey, but I will say this, I am going to look fabulous!

I will leave you with a quote/song lyric that I heard yesterday and thought it would be perfect for this topic, “If you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make the change.” ~ Michael Jackson

It’s time for you to take off my shoes that I will wear when I hit my goal weight and carefully put them back in their box. We will put them back into the closet until next summer when I plan on hitting my end goal.