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Today we walk in these Gianmarco Lorenzi Orchid Crystal Stilettos as walking a mile in these shoes would take conviction, tenacity, discipline and a strong desire to reach your destination. Hmm, kind of like walking down the road of weight loss…

They say that taking the first step is always the hardest and longest step you will ever take in any journey, and they are right. In many aspects of my life I was always afraid to take the first step. This caused me to live in fear of the unknown and to never take chances on something better. A lot of excuses would come into play and ways of justifying my never ending procrastination would happen. When it came time to follow through, I ran away. I look back at my wimpy attitude and I don’t understand why I held myself back for so long. When it came time to start WW for the first time, I was reluctant. I made excuses about money, time, not wanting to eat healthy, not wanting to count my points, blah blah blah. I didn’t have the guts to walk a mile in these Italian couture stilettos. The defining moment for me was when I was going on a hot date one summer night in my classic Gap jean jacket. Every time I went to move my arms, the back fabric tightened up and I could barely hug the guy. This is denim we’re talking about here, the fabric that is meant to fade and stretch out when worn many times. This jacket was at that mature state in it’s life, but I had outgrown it. That was the moment I knew that I needed help.

I started WW with my best friend at the time who had introduced me to the program.  It was a difficult transition for me at first. I was having a hard time eating all of my points, my body kind of went into shock because I wasn’t feeding it everything it wanted. My cravings were horrible at night. All I could think about was ice cream at midnight. After the first week of sticking to the program and tracking my points, I had lost 5 pounds. That was enough for me to continue onto the next week, where I lost 3.8 pounds in two weeks, my pants were already practically falling off and that was all of the solidification that I needed to continue.

This time around on WW, I did the same routine. I was kind of kicking around the idea of starting again because my weight was out of control as was my eating. I kept looking at myself in the mirror and I hated what I saw. I use to be a picture fanatic, always smiling and taking a crazy amount of pictures of myself, and I got to the point where I wouldn’t let anyone take my picture. I knew then that it was time to accept Weight Watchers back into my life, but this time for good. This program has become as important to me as eating, sleeping, and breathing. I have connected to it on a level that inhibits me from ever turning back to my old eating habits. As I posted on Facebook a few days ago, I now crave fat free milk, protein bars, Luna bars, Slimfast shakes, Lean Cuisine’s, Healthy Choice fudge bars, Sobe life water with coconut & of course all of the fruit you can imagine. Again,  I CRAVE these foods.

To those who are reading this blog and are thinking about starting WW, or are just starting your journey with the program these are my inspirational words to you ~ Enjoy every step of this journey because it will be one of the biggest and most rewarding challenges you ever take on in your entire life. You will hit moments of struggle and confusion on those weeks where you thought you did everything right and you maintained or you had a slight gain. Just refocus your mind and your positive energy, brush it off and move onto the next day. There will be times where you weigh-in and you lost weight when you really thought you did horrible and gained 5 pounds – this is me on most weeks. It is the most exhilarating and amazing feeling to hear that you lost another pound or two or three. Every time you hit a small goal that you made for yourself feels like you just ran a marathon and won the gold medal. When they announce at the meeting your success and progress, and you see all of those happy faces smile at you with sincerity and admiration for all that you have accomplished & that is the best gift you will ever receive. And when people around you start to notice the weight melt off of your body and they are starting to become inspired by all that you have achieved and they too want to change their life as well…PRICELESS. On this journey you will touch lives in ways you never thought possible and it will forever change your soul as it has mine. As I sit here and get teary eyed writing this blog, I have finally found myself. I let go of my fear and I took a chance on myself and this is where it led me.

I lost 1.2 pounds this week and I am down 62.2 pounds. I hope to be down 70 pounds by the end of February, beginning of March.

A quote from the Weight Watchers Facebook page popped up on my Facebook news feed and it actually inspired the topic for this blog. “So many of our dreams at first sight seem impossible, then they seem improbable & then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” ~ Christopher Reeve

Time to slip off these $2,895 Italian couture heels and put bandages on our poor feet as walking a mile in any stiletto is painful. But I guess it’s true what they say. “Pain is beauty.”