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Today we walk in these Zigi Girl pumps from Norstrom’s. As I was searching for a shoe for this blog, I kept finding that many stores put shoes under “Accessories.”  This started to really bother me as I don’t see shoes as an accessory at all. I see them as a way of expressing ourselves beyond the fun textures of fabric.

When I went to The Art Institute of Seattle, I had originally started off in the Fashion Design program. The thing is, I got bored with sewing and pattern drafting. I soon discovered that my love for fashion resided with handbags, shoes, jewelry, make-up & hair (all of the ancillary items to an outfit.) That is when I knew it was time to re-establish my major and switch to Fashion Marketing, where I could learn how to market these type of products and play around with visual merchandising. That was the best decision that I have ever made because I had found one of the many things in life that I am passionate about.

When I look at a pair of heels, I see much more than a crafty piece of Italian leather with some over-priced sparkles. I see magic happen. When Cinderella slips her feet into the glass slipper and her entire world transforms into a fairy-tale. Or a woman with little confidence slips her feet into the smooth leather and walks around like she owns the town. I see shoes as a tangible treasure that is stored away in our closets. We pull out our favorite pair of heels and remember dancing in the club with our girlfriends until one o’clock in the morning. Or prancing around town with the balls of our feet screaming at us to take those five inch stilettos off. I look at each pair of my heels and I remember good times with my friends while walking in those shoes. So no, shoes are NOT an accessory, they define the outfit we wear and the memories we make in them.

I needed to put on my favorite pair of heels tonight to cheer myself up. I wish every blog that I write to you could be filled with positive words & cheery outcomes. However, I am on a journey, and throughout that journey does come the moments of struggle and questions of faith. Lately, I have not quite felt like my spirited, vivacious self. I have been lacking the motivation that I need to bring myself to the next level, and I have been feeling a little negative about life. This is really hard for me to admit, because it’s a very vulnerable thing to broadcast to the world, but I feel like my inspiration has been zapped out of me. I have finally pinpointed everything that I want for myself, I am just having a hard time finding my way there. I feel like every time I am so close to reaching a star, it floats away from me. Therefore, I question whether I should keep reaching or not. I have had many conversations with God lately, and I truly hope that we’re on the same page, because sometimes it doesn’t feel like we are.

Lately, I have been feeling so trapped in a certain situation that I just can’t seem to free myself of. My hope and faith are lacking in this certain area, and I just don’t know how to change it. I absolutely hate feeling claustrophobic.  I need to be a free spirit and do what makes me happy, and for whatever reason I am hindering myself from moving forward. I guess you could say that I am at a slight bump on my rocky road through life, and I’m not sure whether to reverse or to keep driving.

I pray that I can overcome this funk that I am in and be my normal cheery self again. But until then, I am going to continue to wear these heels and remember all of the good times that I have experienced in them.

I gained .8 (almost a pound) on my birthday week. I am working really hard this week, so hopefully I will have more exciting progress to share next week.

This quote is short, sweet & made me laugh. “Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.” ~ Victor Kiam

We must return these $890.00 pair of shoes back into the Nordstrom closet. Wearing expensive shoes can really make you forget all of your worries! And if I had that much disposable income, I would so buy these!